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The Storm – Story Telling JC

Here is a story which you can use to process the cards, we suggest you tell the story together with the group, then process the story with the cards and colored sticks. If you wish you can use the puppets or cutout characters to include some drama.


Part 1

A cat, a dog and a bird lived happily in a neighbourhood.

Part 2

One time during a thunderstorm, lightning struck the tree where the bird had it’s nest. The tree fell crashing down and smashed the dog’s kennel. Luckily, the bird and the dog did not get hurt.

The cat who was behind the window inside  his master’s house saw everything.


You can use the story to discuss several topics including:

  • Resilience
  • Friendship
  • Compassion
  • Worried
  • Anxiety
  • Solidarity

Questions to ask the group

Part 1

How were the characters feeling before the storm (Process with the feeling cards)

Part 2

How were the characters feeling after the storm? (Process with the feeling cards)

What was keeping the dog and the bird from seeking help (Process with the Moving Backwards/Bad Move)

What can they do? (Process with the Moving Forward/Good Move)

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